Fly Chick Bares All
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Just Days Away from Montana and Utah
I'm trying to test out the new keyboard I will be bringing with my iPad2 and so far I like it. Now let's see if the battery power will really last 10 hours as our flight out has us on the same plane for almost 10 hours...(Can you say back pain??)
We have our gear here to soak/clean etc, I still have items I need/want to get...However I'm having the most DIFFICULT time with AVIS right now.techey cancelled our reservation without permission and I'm trying to cal and get a manager on the phone is next to impossible. AVIS you better get your customer service rep's and management on board and like...yesterday. I have no problem drafting a nice letter to them and BBB.
Redington is sending me a Rod/Reel combo to test out while out there and I can't wait to see what the Pursuit has to offer!
Those of you out in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana please any tips, love to hear! We are fishing inside Yellowstone Park then the Middle Provo.
Getting excited....minus AVIS!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
First Tournament...Only Female
Waking up Sunday would of ordinarily been challenging, this morning Craig and I were up and out the door by 0630 and at the River for 0700. I knew full well I'd be the only female but one of the youngest in the bunch, even after just gaining another year 48 hours earlier! Initially I may seem quiet, taking the setting in, listening to those around me. Especially this one person in particular, I liked him, everything out of his mouth was sarcastic. Not only could he talk the talk, he walked it later too by taking the most fish. It wasn't any sense of intimidation, more determination to show I can hang my own up with the rest. Too many times I've come to this river and the men either will talk right over me directly to Craig, or will turn their heads the other way. I've heard some comments before too on how I didn't belong there. All your doing is looking like a jackass while I get better and show you up. How can a competitive person, help but have that running through their veins. Thankfully once in the water all is hushed. Your listening, watching, observing the majority of the time. The first comment was from a someone who asked if I was there to watch, once heard that I would be fishing they were thrilled. I think to many times there is this connotation that Fly Fishing is a "Man's Sport." Here's the deal though, the men who feel that way either don't have a spouse or significant other or if they do that person wants them out of the house for some peace and quiet.
Once my initial observations were soaked up and introductions were made it was now 0755...I asked Craig are we starting at 0800 or what? He said we were suppose to...."Typical," I sarcastically laughed. Finally we got the go ahead to head on in...we chose to drive to the next lot down and park at the High Banks section. This is a spot where time and time again Craig has hooked up cast after cast using the Soft Shhhhh all through...we walked far enough up to where we saw a few rising. I told Craig, that in this section I will hook more trees than anything else...low canopy plus brush hanging into the river...I let him have a go. I jumped out and walked up about 30' to try this pool from the opposite angle, more open from upstream. There initially was a sense to hurry which I can't stand... Kayakers were moving through...This first group was 9 of them or so and their etiquette was never formed. Loud, splashing....etc... Do not say Sorry if your going to continue to act like a Baboon moving on through. Next up, line stuck into the tree...I don't like snapping off lines if it can be avoided, but I really didn't want to snap this off because time I was using a fly I tied with just the guidance of my great tutor. I didn't even photo it!... Anyway, it was fish-able and I did miss on it so I was proud of that too.
I had about had it with the setting, I just was getting antsy, one of the guys behind us chose to use Hare's Ear and I was listening him take one after another. After 2 hours or so we moved upstream and switched places. I was able to catch (2) 3-4" Rainbow Trout once Craig came back down from venturing further up I asked if we could get a move back down. We spent until 1200 moving back down to the steps of the highbanks, with nothing to show but we were moving down to the Pines. Once there we walked until a spot we frequent, nothing to show but there were always baby fish nipping at the fly...walking down some more, and still having the pressure of nonstop kayakers moving through I finally made a cast where the instant it landed a 12" Brown popped a decent fight but in slow waters it was easy to bring him over into the net. No photos to show, did a fast release and he was on his way.
That was my last fish of the day, Craig unfortunately, didn't do as well. However, he usually out-fishes me so I think he was OK with the end result. Unfortunately for him, the one he hooked was able to snap off his line causing Craig to sit down into the water and the fish air-showed multiple times on him just to rub it in. A short bit later he did catch a small 5" trout but really at this point his phone was out of commission leaving him with little to show.
At the conclusion, we returned to the Arcadia Management check station, met up with the other 12 anglers that registered, traded a few laughs while we waited for the remainder to roll in. Trout Unlimited had 14 registered anglers show up and with every registration came a 12 month membership to Trout Unlimited (Ch 225) Narragansett Chapter. Many thanks for the prizes that were graciously donated by River and Riptide Anglers
I look forward to seeing TU:225 orchestrate future events (Dry Fly fall Tournament) and would love to get more females out on the water.
The biggest thing that future entries will be dedicated too:
Saturday, June 18, 2011
National Holiday...
Ok to me it is, the boston bruins parade is here and I can't contain my excitement...
Friday, June 17, 2011
The crowds are gathering
Sitting at McGann's listening to the bands, enjoying the night. I can't wait for tomorrow to be here....yet I can't help but want time to stop...really take in this moment.
As we have our beer, crowds are starting camp in front of the TD Garden, memories are being made. This is bigger than christmas eve...
Time Out & Let's Give a WOO
I'm blogging via my phone...first time ever! I'm on the train and next stop Back Bay, Boston....this will be a historic day tomorrow...I've always loved and supported the Bruins and want to share with you on stay tuned photos will be appearing here, twitter (chunkadee) and facebook...
Tomorrows forecast high 70's with isolated T-storms possible...
Congratulations boys!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Where I've Been & What's Next: Why We Need YOU to help!